CTO Music Artists / Wedding Planner in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania

CTO Music Artists is a Philadelphia’s full-service event entertainment company providing the best wedding bands, events, and DJs. Our entertainers have performed over 10,000 events all over the globe. Founded in 1987 as a singularly talented Philadelphia wedding band, we have become one of the most popular wedding bands in Philadelphia. We have been awarded with the - The Knot Best of Weddings Award, 3 consecutive WeddingWire Couples Choice Awards in the years 2017, 2018 and 2019 and many more awards. We have exceeded all expectations by providing our clients with the most professional, talented and suitable entertainment. We can customize and coordinate entertainment to our client's specific needs and desires. We provide seamless communication between our clients, planners, entertainers, caterers, and other event professionals to bring expertise to every event. Our music specialists and bandleaders will facilitate everything about your occasion with you, so when the event day arrives, you can just relax and dance! To make it possible, we bring you creative bands, DJs, strings, and music performers. No matter where we go, we are always ready to provide the premier entertainment your party deserves.


Entertainment Planning Event And Party Planning Event Entertainment Event Planning Wedding Band Wedding Planner Wedding Planning Weddings
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