Jesse Scimeca / Wedding Videographer in Newnan, Georgia

At the age of 12, I picked up my first camera. Over time, my passion drove me to learn anything and everything involved with media production. In 2011, I constructed my own media production company known as Made Legit Media (MLM) and have since created media content for various local businesses in the Oklahoma and Georgia vicinity. I have also worked for larger companies such as One Life's Journey and Cancer Treatment Centers of America. I specialize in photography/video for weddings, commercials, music videos, films, and events and have on-set experience with both modest and large-scale productions.


3 Camera Production 6598:P:IN SOME CASE'S WE DO HAVE SPECIAL PRICING Affordable Affordable Pricing Anniversaries Banquets Business Marketing Video Ceremonies Ceremony Chapel Wedding Videos Cinematic Commercial Experience Concept Videos Corporate Partys Corporate Videos Director Documentary Elegant Family Reunions Graduations Graduations And Sweet 16 Videos Love Stories Training Video Video Editing
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