W. Cardone Productions / Wedding Videographer in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Your wedding day is special to you beyond measure. You have given your heart and soul to assure that everything will be perfect. We at W. Cardone Productions understand that nothing is more important in the planning of your wedding than preserving the memories that you will cherish forever. Our mission is to capture not only the events, but the essence and emotion of your wedding day with artistry and imagination.
Seemingly unimportant subjects can have a profound effect on viewing the finished movie years from now. We focus on details such as the beading on your wedding dress, the family heirlooms you may be wearing, and that tear in your father’s eye when he sees you for the first time in your bridal gown.
Our approach is to spend time with you as a couple, not only to plan, but also to acquaint ourselves with the uniqueness of your personality and family dynamics. Thirty to sixty days prior to your wedding, our award winning videographer will meet with you to develop a plan centered on the uniqueness of you as a couple. We will attend the rehearsal to become familiar with the decorating scheme at the site and learn about your bridal party. Technical issues are solved at this time including sound and lighting. This information is key in allowing us to covertly film the special memories that will stir your heart for years to come. It also enables us to coordinate with your photographer so all important family moments are captured. Diligent planning before your magic day allows us to operate transparently so that you can live your day confident that memories in motion are being captured with excellence.
In addition we offer a pre-wedding movie option. For this, we interview you as a couple at a scenic location on camera and produce a short film of their love story. This may be shown on a large projection screen at the reception or during the interlude prior to your wedding ceremony.
The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. We release your wedding video in standard DVD format, but also offer the option to upgrade your package to high-definition Blu-ray with stunning clarity.
Please call today for an appointment to view samples of our work in our studio and discover the various options that will make your wedding day excite your emotions for many years to come.


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