L&M PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO / Wedding Photographer in Oxford, North Carolina

L&M can make your wedding day, a day to remember. We capture your memories from start to finish with prices that everyone is comfortable with.

L&M is expanding family photography to include: Birthday Parties, Anniversaries and
Family Reunions. You get 4 hours of in home or location photography services and
One 24 page custom hard cover coffee table book with at least 75 photos
Book Size: 8.5x11
A studio is set up at your event, ready to photographyour guests. A digital camera is used to take high resolution digital pictures which are printed at your event.
Before your guests leave, they will have a photograph ready to take home. You can also have event folder with your event/company name embossed on front/inside.

Pricing depends on the number of guest. Prints can be
either 4x6, 5x7 or 8x10.


Suggestions will appear as you type. Example: Cary, NC.
Please describe your needs and any special services you may require. SUPER IMPORTANT: Do not use foul language or include web links to websites (even if they are yours). We ignore those contact requests. Thanks!

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