Boudoir Intimate Photography
I shoot boudoir photography because I love to make women feel good about themselves. It is amazing how these photos can turn around your self esteem or just show you once again how truly beautiful you really are! Boudoir photography is for women of all ages and sizes! These images can be used to surprise your groom on the wedding day, surprise a husband on an anniversary, or these can be used just for YOU to illustrate how great you look. Women have done these after losing weight, for a special birthday, or just for the heck of it! Any reason is good reason!
I love to see the womans face when we show her the final images! Her expressions are priceless. Yes
that is YOU! You look amazing! You are hot! Your husband will be so happy you did this for him! What a gift. Something that he will keep with him, guard with his life
and be so happy that you wanted to stir up his feelings!
At our studio we have many different sets and we work with the woman to do shots that she feels comfortable with. We base this on our conversations before the session, and during the session. We base our sets on the outfits she brings and the type of looks we want to capture
sultry, sexy, flirty..and more!
You will feel like a supermodel during you shoot
we want you to feel special, and gorgeous
because you are! This is something every woman should do at least once. Feel free to ask us for references, or ask a friend who may have done this. They are sure to say Just do it, you will be glad you did!
In the next post I will be answering Q&A, so feel free to leave a comment, drop me an email and I will answer your questions!