Abdul Sharif Photography / Wedding Photographer in Louisville, Kentucky

Abdul Sharif is a member of photography’s new generation. His close attention to detail is reflected in his sharp, bold images of architecture and humans alike. Shooting in urban street locations as well as in the studio, his portraits are a cross between raw and polished, producing high contrast photos that are meant to draw in the viewer. His work sets to demolish the cliche of photographers having to be specialized in only one shooting category. Abdul Sharif was born and raised in the West End section of Louisville, Ky. He graduated from Shawnee High School in 2000 and The University of Louisville in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Pan African Studies and a Minor in Art. Abdul is currently in his last year of study to receive a Masters of Arts Degree in Photography from the Savannah College of Art and Design. In the past, Abdul worked with the Kentucky Center for the Arts' "ArtsReach program" to teach inner-city students how to document their neighborhoods through photography. Abdul currently has a studio located in the Mellwood Arts Center. Please contact me through my website, I cannot see your info when you contact me through this website.


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